£5,000 Leicestershire County Council Grant. Output e.g., Fish, J. Szabo, A. Turgoose, D. (2017) Exploring approaches to service user involvement in sexual violence and domestic violence services report (technical).
£30,000 VAWG regional contract via Leicestershire/Rutland Police Crime Commissioner tender. Completed 2020.
£1,000 Project Lead: ‘Multi-Disciplinary approach to Violence Crime Scene Project: a safe space for practitioners to identify domestic abuse tactics.’
Collaboration with Experts by Lived Experience
Co-production with SVDV experts by experience are various and include Szabo, A, Turgoose, D, Walker, C, Maxwell, R. and Shah, T. (2019) Empowering children and young people affected by domestic abuse through involvement in service provision SVDV Research Network Conference
Current Journal Articles under review
Turgoose. D and McKie, R.E. The Role of Mobile Applications in the Protection of Domestic Violence Victims. Challenging the Empowerment Paradigm. Special Issue Journal of Gender Based Violence.
Turgoose. D and McKie, R.E. An Examination of the Intersection of Coercive Control and Pets as co-existing victims in UK Criminal Justice provision; A Criminal Justice Student Practitioner View. International Journal of Violence and Victims
Selected Past Publications (book chapters)
Turgoose, D. (2019) Hear no misogyny, speak no sexism, see no harassment. Gender-Based Violence and UK University Campus Culture: Time for Change? In: Magalhães, M. J.; Guerreiro, A. and Pontedeira, C. (Eds) Sexual Violence ECDV Porto, University of Porto pp. 114-120
Turgoose, D. (2019) Change that Lasts is a Chance for Change. In: Magalhães, M. J., Guerreiro, A. and Pontedeira, C. (Eds.) Proceedings of II European Conference on Domestic Violence (IIECDV): Domestic Violence Intervention Systems, Porto: University of Porto, p107-114.
Turgoose, D. (2016) Victim Support Services and the world of Commissioning in Hilder, S. and Bettinson, V. Domestic Violence Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
Selected past Publications (technical reports)
Fish, J. Szabo, A. Turgoose, D. (2017) Exploring approaches to service user involvement in sexual violence and domestic violence services. Final (technical) report Domestic Violence Sexual Violence (SVDV) Research Network, ¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ·.
Selected Recent Manuscript/Book Reviews
Taylor, N. and Frazer, H. (2020) “Domestic Violence and Companion Animals” Palgrave Macmillan
Prisons and Probation Research Hub digital seminar series
Pet Victimology and Coercive Control Event (7th December 2020) with Dr Ruth McKie showcasing our research, blogs, conference papers and 3 x forthcoming peer reviewed journal publications. You can view our presentation here for the hub
Sexual Violence Domestic Violence Research Network website
Please, see the Sexual Violence and Domestic Violence (SVDV) Research Network website to view the pioneering work of our network
Turgoose, D. and McKie, R.E. (2020) Non-Human Animals at the Intersection of Domestic Violence: The Call for anthropocentricism to GIVE WAY!
Turgoose, D. and McKie, R.E. (2020) Beyond Domestic Violence, Companion Animals and Independent Agency: Why as criminologists we need to converse beyond speciesism, towards an intersectional approach
Turgoose, D. and McKie, R.E. (2020) Ontological Diversifications: Greening Domestic Violence and Abuse studies on Companion Animals
Turgoose, D. and McKie, R.E. (2019) Domestic Abuse and Pets Research: Local Impact June 2019
Turgoose, D. and McKie, R.E. (2019) Pets and Domestic Abuse Research: Local Impact March 2019
Turgoose, D. and McKie, R.E. (2019) Domestic Violence and Abuse, ‘Pets’ and Agency: A conversation we need to have and a call for action 2019
Crisp A, Quinlan, C., Turgoose, D. and Hine J, (2018) ‘Co-creation’ The experiences of student researchers in a ‘co-creation assessment project’ with academic staff. Preliminary research findings – ongoing project. ULTAS Conference Transformative and Co-created Education
Turgoose, D. and Ryan, M. (2015) ‘Enhancing the student experience: Student Self-assessment of skills: a lifelong process’ Learning and Teaching Conference ‘Student transitions: Pillars of Learning’.
Turgoose, D. and Ryan, M. (2016) ‘Self-assessment of skills: a lifelong process’ Association for Learning and Development in Higher Education (ALDHE) Conference