Safeguarding principles
In May 2011 the Government issued a statement setting out their policy on adult safeguarding. These principles are relevant when working with children and young people.
What are the 6 principles?
Safeguarding Principles
I support and encourage individuals to make their own decisions.
I respect the wishes of the individual regardless of my own personal opinion or past experiences.
I can understand that individuals I work with have a choice and control over decisions that are to be made.
I create a safe, professional environment where people can flourish and achieve their potential.
I know how to signpost individuals to support services.
¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· Staff create a safe environment where all individuals are actively encouraged to progress while staying healthy and safe.
¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· Staff recognise that individuals sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances and therefore potential risks to their safety or well-being. Staff know and understand the different indicators of risk.
I will only get professionally involved as much as the individual or situation dictates.
¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· Staff should take a proportionate and least intrusive response to the issue presented. This response should take into account the #H¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· levels.
¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· Staff should respect each individual and their unique situation; objectively assessing risk and then working in conjunction with the individual and appropriate service(s) in a professional manner.
I understand how I can professionally protect those at risk and know how report a concern.
¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· Staff are clear about procedures where they are concerned about an individual and proactively engage with ¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ·'s safeguarding process.
¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· Staff understand the there are limitations on confidentiality; information is shared as necessary for the purpose and only with people that require it for that purpose.
I can work in partnership with individuals to find solutions to problems. I can do this while maintaining professional boundaries with both the individual and the services I am engaging with.
¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· staff work in professional partnership with an individual taking into account their wellbeing and their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs.
¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· staff work positively as part of the wider ¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· staff team and help the organisation to be a safe, healthy university which promotes well-being.
I understand my role with regards to safeguarding. I understand that individuals can expect a reasonable standard of service and a complaint needs to be taken seriously and escalted via the correct process.
I respect the wishes of the individual regardless of my own personal opinion or past experiences.
I can understand that individuals I work with have a choice and control over decisions that are to be made.